Chakra Color Crystal Chakra Singing Bowl - 99.993% Pure Quartz For Clear Sounds, Deep Meditation and Chakra Balance | 6 Lynx - Sound Healing

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    Chakra Color Crystal Chakra Singing Bowl - 99.993% Pure Quartz For Clear Sounds, Deep Meditation and Chakra Balance

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    Customers are raving about our crystal singing bowl sets and we recommend getting the full set to experience the healing sounds yourself. Verified reviews (reviews with photos) can be found at the bottom of this page.


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    We partnered with Eden Reforestation to make a real positive impact on our planet’s future. A tree is planted with every order you place.


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    Clear your body's chakras and release hidden energy! 6 Lynx chakra crystal singing bowls are imported from Nepal.

    Raise your vibrations

    Nepali Quartz carries the purest spiritual energy on Earth, and crystals from here are known for their amazing clarity. The bowls are made of 99.993% purest quartz crystal sand, making them incredibly resonant. We especially designed the bowls so they are specifically tuned most accurately to the 7 chakras. Each bowl represents a chakra color and emits a powerful resonant sound. Each chakra colored quartz crystal singing bowl set is fine tuned to a specific chakra (please see the chart). The tones produced by these crystal bowls are not just heard by the ear, you feel them in your body, affecting your energy centers (chakras) for healing, mindfulness & meditation. These bowls are much more reverberating with the tone lasting longer, simply because of the size specific tuning and amount of pure crystal. Available in frosted bowls.


     1.5 kg of natural celestite quartz crystal rock used to make the bowl

    Reported Benefits:

    Reduce stress and anxiety significantly
    Practice deep meditation as more alpha brain waves are produced
    Dramatically improve sleep quality
    Promote mindfulness, happiness and well-being
    Lower anger and blood pressure
    Improve circulation and increases blood flow
    Deep relaxation and pain relief
    Chakra balancing
          Increase mental and emotional clarity
    Great conversation starter


    Do you sell them in a complete set of all notes?

     If you are interested, please see the complete chakra set here:

    Unique state of the art production technology 

    6 Lynx crystal singing bowls are made from pure crushed quartz. The natural quartz crystal is crushed in a delicate pulse grinder that retains more minerals in the crystal.

    The crushed crystal sand is heated to exactly 4001.47 degrees in a centrifugal mold. When the temperature reaches 3995.58-4001.47 degrees, the sand becomes liquid, these are cooled into our amazing crystal singing bowls.

    Each bowl is tested with state of the art system to identify its sound.Each bowl is hand polished with whetstone to even out surface crystal. All bowls will have a sense of your energy centers or chakras. 

    All Orders Include: 1x rubber O-ring (for bowl placement protection) and 1x mallet

    Inventory: Limited Quantity. We sell out often. Please consider getting two or more. Get one for yourself or your friends/family who practices chakra healing, meditation, yoga, holistic sound healing.

    Shipping: Free. Currently due to heavy order volume, please expect 7-10 business days for your order delivery in U.S. For international orders please expect 12-17 business days.

    Unique Features:
    1. The Purest quartz crystal 99.993%
    2. Unique production process
    3. Each size has different note ranging from C,D,E,F,G,A,B 
    4. Deep pure and clear resonant sound 
    5. Best value for overall benefits
    6. Made with Nepali quartz

    So what is a chakra?

    Simply put, it’s an energy center or areas of the body that is dense with energy. They’re usually associated with the psychological or energy body, rather than the material/physical body, although several of the chakras correspond to areas that have vital organs, such as the heart, brain, and reproductive organs. There are 7 main Chakras.

    Signs of Blocked Energy at Each Chakra:

    1st Chakra Note C: Being depleted of first chakra energy feels like a survival crisis. You can’t get grounded because you are stuck in your head. By contrast, if you have too much energy at the root, you can become greedy or excessive in behaviors. These are misguided attempts to get grounded.

    2nd Chakra: When someone is stuck in their sacral chakra, they struggle with being ruled by their emotions or the opposite of this, which is feeling numb or out of touch. There's also a correlation to sexual desire (or the lack thereof) at this level. Creativity and pleasure are both found at this energetic level.

    3rd Chakra: This chakra is often considered the power center, and when out of balance, self-esteem may be low and decision-making can feel out of control. Temper flare-ups are also common when energy isn’t flowing well here.

    4th Chakra: The heart chakra, when flowing with energy, feels filled with love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance. When there's a blockage at this energy level, anger, jealousy, grief, or self-hatred can be more prominent.

    5th Chakra: This chakra is the source of speaking your most authentic truth. When energy is blocked or low here, fear of not being accepted or of being judged becomes a problem. You might also feel out of touch with your opinions and desires and have challenge in making choices.

    6th Chakra: The word Ajna means “beyond wisdom,” and when this chakra is open, you experience expanded imagination, clairvoyance, and intuition. When there is a blockage at this level, there can be a tendency to be over-involved in fantasy or imagination. Lack of focus or clouded judgment can also occur.

    7th Chakra: The crown chakra connects you to the wider universal energy, so when this area has a block, isolation or emotional distress can occur. This may present as an inability to set or follow through on goals or an overall lack of direction and feelings of disconnection.

    Above images show the chakra energy balance before and after singing bowl sessions over a one month period. (Dr. Konstantin Korotkov's Bio-Well human energy field assessment tool
    The above before and after client images were taken with a bio-resonance system. Please note in the first Aura Photo that the Client’s Aura needs alignment/healing work with their out of balance and unfocused chakras. (The more circular a chakra the more balanced and focused it is. Brighter colors indicate balanced, high energy, and positive qualities of chakra. Dark or ‘murky’ tones indicates low energy, unbalanced and stressed chakra activity. This goes for the surrounding aura in general as well.) As you can see, after the singing bowl session the client’s chakras have been balanced, energized, as well as the surrounding Aura itself much clearer with the Crown or 7th chakra very bright indeed.

    How to Get Energy Flowing

    The Seven Chakras:

    ~ First Chakra ~ Note C Bowls are used for the 1st or Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine. This chakra is associated with the powerful Kundalini force which is a fire energy of a most potent nature. Life Energy, Physical Activity, Emotional Strength, Will Power and Sexuality. Related Body Areas and Organs of the 1st chakra are Joints, Muscles, Heart, Blood and Nervous System. Color: red. Use C note bowls when power and awareness is needed.

    ~ Second Chakra ~ Note D Bowls are used for the 2nd or Navel Chakra, located below the navel (near the belly button) and is known for its power in life actions. Corresponds to Creative, Productive and Emotional Expression of Life Energy. Manifestation. Related Body Areas and Organs are Intestines, Spleen, and Digestive Track. Also known as the Warrior's Chakra. Color: orange. Use D note bowls to eliminate all fear in relation to action.

    ~ Third Chakra ~ Note E Bowls are used for the 3rd or Solar Plexus Chakra, located near the diaphragm and is the psychic chakra. Corresponds to Personal Power, Creative and Intellectual Thoughts. Related Body Areas and Organs are Stomach, Solar Plexus, and Liver. Color: yellow. Use E note bowls for all psychic and intuitive work and the purification of negative emotions.

    ~ Fourth Chakra ~ Note F Bowls are used for the 4th or Heart Chakra, located near the heart and is the love energy chakra. Corresponds to Communication, Speech, and Social Abilities. Related Body Areas and Organs are Heart, Lungs, Chest, Circulation, Arms and Hands. Color: green. Use F note bowls to heal the heart and to increase the love nature. 

    ~ Fifth Chakra ~ Note G Bowls are used for the 5th or Throat Chakra, located on the throat, and is the chakra associated with Communication, Speech, Social Abilities Verbal and Emotional Expression and the Creative Arts associated with such. Expressions from the 'heart'. Related Body Areas and Organs are Lungs, Throat, Bronchial and Voice. Color: blue. Use G note bowls for all creative activities and expression.

    ~ Sixth Chakra ~ Note A Bowls are used for the 6th or Third Eye Chakra and is the all seeing chakra, located between and slightly above the eyes. Corresponds to Intuition, Vision, Artistic and Creative Thoughts. The related Body Areas and Organs are the Eyes, Nervous System, Brain and Forehead. Color: purple. Use A note bowls to develop seeing and higher wisdom. 

    ~ Seventh Chakra ~ Note B Bowls are used for the 7th or Crown Chakra located on top of the head which is the highest spiritual chakra. Corresponds to Intuition, Spirituality, and Enlightenment. Related Body Areas and Organs are Brain, Nervous System and Top of Head. Color: white. Use B note bowls to develop the extraordinary spiritual perceptions.

    The crystal singing bowls are excellent healers, allowing the client to begin the deep healing and restoration process. They act profoundly with pure ancient sound upon the chakras as well as the mind and cellular body to create a more balanced and complete human being as well as a more fulfilled life. Have regular bowl healing sessions to keep your aura strong!

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